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Smart homes are becoming more and more commonplace, and Google is ahead of the game. The Nest thermostat is a smart device that has already made a huge splash in its energy (and money) saving endeavors, with huge thanks to its Eco Mode setting. What is the Eco Mode setting and are there better times to use it than others?
Eco Mode is a setting that allows Nest thermostat owners to conserve energy as well as save money. As it is more costly and energy-consuming to operate in-house temperatures when the sun is down, using Eco Mode at night is a way to save energy for a more expensive operating time.
If you are hoping to learn more about Google Nest, Eco Mode, and optimal operating times, look no further! This article breaches the topics of how the Nest saves energy, how it saves money, how to use Eco Mode, and more. For everything you may need to know about your smart thermostat, just keep reading!
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Table of Contents
What is the Nest?
Google Nest is a hub of smart home products like smoke detectors, doorbells, locks, speakers, routers, streaming platforms, light bulbs, cameras, and thermostats. You can purchase these items and link them up with each other. By connecting your Nest devices together in your home, they can communicate with one another wirelessly. Google Nest makes having a smart home fairly accessible to pretty much anyone for a relatively affordable price.
Nest products can be purchased and added to existing collections as one pleases. If you own a Nest thermostat and later buy another, you can simply sync them. Many of the Thermostats and hubs can be paired with Amazon’s Alexa! Because this article is primarily focused on Eco Mode, which is a feature included with the hub’s thermostat, this will be the primary device focused on.
The Nest Thermostat:
A device within the system is the Nest Thermostat. There are four generations of Google’s Nest Learning thermostats. You could also purchase a regular Google Nest thermostat. While each is a bit different, they all serve the same basic functions with the same purpose: to save energy and money.
You can have more than one Nest Thermostat in your home. When you change the settings on one, you can change them on all of them at the same time, or just apply them to the individual thermostat you are interacting with.
Without the internet, the Nest Thermostat itself, however, is not a ‘Smart’ thermostat. It can be operated without the internet, but it has to be operated manually. It will still perform all of its functions, though, so there is no need to worry or stress out about that.
Does the Google Nest Thermostat Save Energy?
The Nest Thermostat does, in fact, save quite a bit of energy. You can program it to stay at certain temperatures, and depending on whether you have the Google Nest Learning Thermostat* or not, it can learn what temperature you like or prefer. It will adjust itself to stay in this realm of degrees and won’t fluctuate so much, as opposed to other thermostats.
If your system can’t give enough power to operate your Google Nest Thermostat or Nest Learning Thermostat, each one has two AAA alkaline batteries inside of them. These help save energy as well, as they don’t require the usage of other power sources in order to run, operate, and serve their purposes of heating and cooling your home.
What is Eco Mode?
Eco Mode is a lower energy-using setting on your thermostat that contains your temperatures within a more conservative range. What this means is that there are certain temperatures that cost both less money and energy to maintain. Eco Mode allows you to automatically or manually set up what range you would like your home to stay between for a set amount of time.
Your thermostat will not change temperatures- it will not go below or above the range of degrees you give it- for the amount of time that you give it. So, if you tell it to stay between 68 degrees and 72 degrees Fahrenheit between the hours of 4-8 PM it will.
The Google Nest Thermostat already saves energy and money, but Eco Mode takes it a step even further. When you set your device to this mode, the temperatures that you direct it to stay within won’t be breached. You will also give it a timeframe to stay within and your home’s temperature will be more consistently regulated between those hours. It may be a bit colder during that time, but you’ll be expending less energy and saving more money.
Eco Mode is pretty new in today’s technology and rather revolutionary. It has been able to save people tons of money and improve the way we utilize the planet’s resources.

Why Use Eco Mode?
Eco Mode is an excellent way to save energy. Additionally, Eco Mode allows you to take control of the comfort of your own home and your personal finances. If you know what temperatures you are comfortable in, you can change the settings of your thermostat to be in a set range of lower costing degrees, like 68 degrees F and 72 degrees F. This is a set range that will only change and fluctuate after the set amount of time you enter manually. It can also be turned on automatically after being set up.
That’s another great reason to use Eco Mode! It is consistent. The temperature won’t vary until you tell it to. Something extra that you might want to know is that there are certain times of the day that are more cost-effective to use Eco Mode than others. One of these is later afternoon, around four o’clock to eight PM. This might come as a surprise because the sun is relatively high, but the operating costs are high. Many people are using energy at this point in time and a lot of energy is being expended. Therefore, it is very beneficial to set your thermostat to Eco Mode for this time. Another obvious time, as the title of this article states, is nighttime.
Also, granted that this may not be the strongest point, but, we think that Eco Mode is really, really cool.
Eco Mode at Night
Eco Mode at night saves more energy than it would at just any random time of the day. It would operate not only at one of- if not the most energy-consuming periods of time in a given 24-hour span but for the longest stretch of time within that range.
Using Eco Mode at night is going to be a very efficient way to save energy for an extensive period of time. You might even call it a game-changer. Especially because the sun is down and it is the largest source of power, it becomes very costly- both in energy and in money currency- to operate anything man-made. You’ll find that using lower temperatures and being more environmentally aware, even while you are sleeping, will pay off big time and make a huge difference.
Nighttime is also the longest time stretch where you can make a difference. Not only does it cost the most to run your utilities during those hours, but you aren’t even awake for most of it. You can be the solution during this period by grabbing a few extra blankets if it is cold. It is an all-around beneficial act. You’ll be saving money, saving energy, and using some cool technology in the process.
Wow, look at you! Saving the world in your sleep! It really is as simple as that!
Saving the Most Energy
To reiterate what has just been said, nighttime is a great time to turn on Eco Mode on your Google Nest Thermostat. In fact, it is probably the best time. Running anything high energy within a home, whether it is a washing machine, your lights, your dishwasher, or something else when the sun is down is expensive. Your heating and cooling system is no different.
Eco Mode is an incredible invention that puts you in power and also lets you personalize how much energy and money you want to save. Doing so at night helps you get the most bang for your buck! And you won’t be pulling from power plants and large power sources to heat your home as much.
Turning on Eco Mode at night will help you to maximize and optimize your energy savings. This is even better because it helps preserve the planet. You really can make a difference by doing a little thing- and the more often you do it, the greater the payoff will be!
How to Set Up Eco Mode?
Setting up Eco Mode is really easy. All you have to do is approach your thermostat, enter the Eco Mode settings, select the amount of time you want the set temperatures to last, and choose the range of temperatures for the degrees to stay within. For the nighttime shift, you might choose something like 9 PM- 5 AM, or whatever time the sun goes down and whatever time the sun rises in the time and region you live in. Each time you use the Eco Mode setting, you will have to instruct your thermostat to turn it on.
There is also an app that most of the generations can hook up to which allow you to control the device via your phone. Additionally, the majority of Google’s Nest Thermostats are compatible with Amazon’s Alexa, so you can set up Eco Mode with this function as well.

Does Eco Mode Save Money?
So, a big question, in general, is, “does being environmentally friendly save money?“, and in this case, “does eco mode on Google’s Nest Thermostat save money?”. As we are sure you have already gathered by now, yes. Yes, it does. The main jist of it all is that higher energy expendeture=higher spending costs. So, whenever lots of people are using a lot of energy, or when the sun is down and there isn’t a source of energy to pull from, it costs more money to operate and run your home’s heating and cooling systems.
Eco Mode manually and automatically sets your home’s temperatures to be ideal as far as energy expenditure and efficiency levels go. These temperatures fluctuate less and are more consistent as well, so as long as you are on top of it- meaning knowing what the peak energy draining times are, since they are the most expensive- and turn on Eco Mode during these periods, you will be able to save big time.
By making it a part of your nightly routine to turn on Eco Mode, you will be able to save more money and energy than you could ever dream… get it? Really though, it is a very simple way to save some cash, and it won’t be that noticeable in your day (and night) to day life.
To Sum Everything Up
In summary, here’s what this article covered. The Nest is a hub of Google smart devices that can interface with each other. We focused on the Google Nest Thermostat. There are a few different versions of the Thermostat, but they all serve the purpose of saving energy and money. They are pretty awesome. If you have more than one thermostat in your home, you can change the settings all at once or just on one. Many can be operated using a specific app or Amazon’s Alexa.
The main point of interest regarding the Thermostat is Eco Mode. Eco Mode is a setting that allows its owners to manually select temperatures for the device to regulate the home for a fixed period of time. It can later operate automatically. This saves the amount of energy expenditure as well as cuts down costs.
One of, if not the best times to use Eco mode is at night. The main reason for this is that nighttime is the longest time stretch of being a high energy cost period. The sun is down during the night and there is no source to draw energy from.
Using Eco Mode at night is simple and can make a big difference in helping the environment, and saving money. Eco Mode is also just really cool.
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